
The iWell® Advantage:

  1. High Quality Materials

    iWell® products are milled with materials from reputable top-quality manufacturers such as Bego®, Amann Girrbach®, Dentaurium®, and 3M Lava®.

  2. Precise Passive Fit.

    The workhorse of the iWell Milling Center® are two large industrial strength 5- axis Milling Machines form DMG®. The power and stability of these machines make precise passively fitting frameworks possible even for the most technically demanding prostheses such as the One-Piece Full-Arch Implant supported framework in Non-Precious Alloy (Cr-Co)

  3. Frameworks up to 20mm in Height

    Over Years of research and development in milling strategy, iWell® is proud to offer frameworks up to 20mm in height- Indicated for patients with severe ridge resorption.

  4. Compatibility with All major Implant Systems

    iWell® products are currently compatible with xx different implant company and systems. Our implant library has been expanding over the years to meet the needs of our clients

  5. Eliminates conventional casting problems

    Porosity, distortion in fit and unwanted oxides